Cute Love Sayings, Cute Love Quotes, Cute Love Quotations

Cute Love Sayings, Cute Love Quotes, Cute Love Quotations

Cutest proposal ever by a boy of 5th std-

Boy- Do u hug ur teddy bear while sleeping at night??

Gal- Yes!

Boy- Can I replace it for d rest of ur life?? ;-)


Once a while good people need a reminder of how special and lovable they are... With this message, consider yourself reminded !!


I wish I was a teddy bear, that lay upon your bed,

so everytime you cuddled it, you cuddled me instead.


CUTE people r like wind. You can only feel their presence & sincerity. Now dont look here n there to find them. Just luk at the name of the sender...!

:-) gd mrng.


When youur fear touches

someones pain, it becomes pity,

when your love touches

someones pain,it becomes compassion


thanks 4 the nice words. 4 me all i can say u r 1 of the best person i have ever loved and will continue 2 love u. u bring joy 2 sadness an light 2 darkness


M-ake the most of it.

O-pen your heart and mind.

R-emember to thank God.

N-ever frown

I-magine me

N-othing to worry.

G-ood Morning!

Wish you have nice day & ofcourse good morning:)


cute feeling..;

my hands never pain while typing message for you..;

but my hearts always feel pain when there is no reply 4rm u..


A hopeless man.A feels Difficulty in every chance and a Hopeful man feels a Chance in every difficulty. (Hazrat Ali.AS.) Good Decision comes from experience, but experience comes from bad decision... This is life... So don't worry for any mistake.. Go ahead & learn from them.


I ask Allah 2 make u happy, make u smile, guide u safely, though every mile, grant u wealth, give u health & most of all grant u paradise!


Tags- Cute Love SMS, Cute Love Messages, Cute Love Text, Cute Love Sayings, Cute Love Quotes, Cute Love Quotations


